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Everything posted by pollux

  1. You're bumping your topic too fast.. You're insulting members.. You removed your question.. Can you tell me why eactly you're using this board if you don't give a damn about our rules?
  2. If you would read the whole topic you would know the solution....
  3. @EserDC & @daradevil124 Please read our rules (cleared this topic).
  4. That is not possible because i am at work right now... ^^ @Ayaka any other idea?
  5. Check if your table "is_items" has a field "vnum" with AUTO_INCREMENT flag enabled. Additionally add ini_set('display_errors', 1); on line 2, over error_reporting(E_ALL); to check if there really isn't any php error. Then replace on line 53 if($inSql) echo'<p class="meldung">Item erfolgreich in den Itemshop eingef&uuml;gt.</p>'; with if($inSql){ echo'<p class="meldung">Item erfolgreich in den Itemshop eingefügt.</p>'; }else{ echo mysql_errno($sqlHp) . ": " . mysql_error($sqlHp) . "\n"; } and run the script again.
  6. Replace line 48-51 $sqlCmd="INSERT INTO ".SQL_HP_DB.".is_items (vnum, kategorie_id, bild, beschreibung, preis, anzeigen, attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4, attrtype5, attrvalue5, attrtype6, attrvalue6, socket0, socket1, socket2) VALUES ('".$inVnum."','".$inKategorie."','".$bildDatei."','".$inBeschreibung."','".$inPreis."','".$inAnzeigen."','".$boni0."', '".$boniv0."', '".$boni1."', '".$boniv1."', '".$boni2."', '".$boniv2."', '".$boni3."', '".$boniv3."', '".$boni4."', '".$boni4."', '".$boni5."', '".$boniv5."', '".$boni6."', '".$boniv6."', '".$socket0."', '".$socket1."', '".$socket1."')"; with $sqlCmd="INSERT INTO ".SQL_HP_DB.".is_items (kategorie_id, bild, beschreibung, preis, anzeigen, attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4, attrtype5, attrvalue5, attrtype6, attrvalue6, socket0, socket1, socket2) VALUES ('".$inKategorie."','".$bildDatei."','".$inBeschreibung."','".$inPreis."','".$inAnzeigen."','".$boni0."', '".$boniv0."', '".$boni1."', '".$boniv1."', '".$boni2."', '".$boniv2."', '".$boni3."', '".$boniv3."', '".$boni4."', '".$boni4."', '".$boni5."', '".$boniv5."', '".$boni6."', '".$boniv6."', '".$socket0."', '".$socket1."', '".$socket1."')"; and try again.
  7. When you're an administrator and want to download an attachment and the forum shows you... The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. Could you please post it inside a code tag or put it on pastebin.com?
  8. Maybe because it's SQL? Your current query should look like this: INSERT INTO workorders VALUES ($column1, $column2); so you have to add "(column1, column2)" to it. INSERT INTO workorders (column1, column2) VALUES ($column1, $column2) Replace column1/column2/... with your columns of your table in which you want to insert the values. If you need more help please post your php code.
  9. Please tell us how you solved the problem. (and maybe read our rules )
  10. Another solution: Block the IP's. This would minimize the threat. I would look if those IPs are inside any range (all from one internet/server provider) and block all of those.
  11. Use the search function/google... #closed
  12. Or work with python's time functions and the client function to get a map index. Then you can change the environment. To edit a skybox just use the world editor.
  13. Before you start using this forum you should read or rules and have a closer look at our sections and pinned threads. If you would've done this you would know that we have a thread for file requests and that we do not allow fast topic bumpings. #closed
  14. @anonim55 Would you please tell us how you've solved your problem?
  15. #moved (Metin2 > General to Safe Zone > Music/Videos/Art)
  16. Have a look into "EterPack.cpp" inside your EterPack project of your clientsource. strncpy(m_indexFileName, dbname, MAX_PATH); strcat(m_indexFileName, ".eix"); m_stDataFileName = dbname; m_stDataFileName += ".epk"; m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly; This should be in method "bool CEterPack::Create".
  17. If the lzo key isn't correct it should tell you.. Please check if your new binary wants .eix/.epk files or if there should be another extension. On the other hand check which extension your pack files got.
  18. Please have a look into your syserr. Maybe it will tell you/us why it's not working.
  19. Then please tell us on which line(s) the problem is. The line after the else is missing a TAB.
  20. This error is quite simple to solve. You have to use TABs in python instead of blanks. You can check this by enabling "Show all characters" in notepad++. Here's a screenshot:
  21. /e <event_flag> 0 or via quest: game.set_event_flag(<event_flag>, 0)
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