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Everything posted by socressor

  1. Hello, everyone, I have here a bone with animation which I would have to adapt. (in 3DS max) As you can see in the gif, it's slipping away from its position (at the animation time). This looks ugly and is not meant to be, because it's a waiting animation. Gif Preview I was looking for something and just found out that with a biped model that could use in place feature. But for that I would have to convert the bone to a biped, which would be a bit more extensive and with several 100 models I still have to work on, too much work. Do you know a solution? Thank you guys
  2. Can you tell me why the animation is sliding away on the ground? [Hidden Content]
  3. Nice work, I will take a look at the Code and give you some Feedback.
  4. Hey, at the moment I try to get some granny animations to 3ds max. The Problem is that the animations are not in the model file, they are outside. Do you know any method to get that animations in 3ds Max or migrating the model gr2 and animations gr2 together? Thank you
  5. I have installed 3ds max 7 already and included alle plugins I found here. Thats my try: As you can see...here's the mesh and bones. But if I export them to a normal .gr2 file and play animations: Animation is not working...
  6. With that you only get the Mesh and Bones working...
  7. Hello, is there a way to import granny2 files like Player Models into 3ds max WITH Animation and ready rigged skeletton? I'm tired of rigging -.-...
  8. Hello, I've got a Question. I try to write a C# Client...but I fail at the login . Anyboy knows how to do the tcp login? In which way it works? I have debugged the C++ Source for Days...but I can't find the right way.
  9. Hello, I worked on my Serverfiles since 1 Month and now I have realized that I got a Guild error. Look here: The ClientSource (right Side) can't finde the Leader and set it to Noname (dwMasterPID have the right value) and here's another bug: No Guild Member :S...I can't find the error in my Source. I have debugged the Source code from Server to Clientside. Serverside sends the right data to Clientside...but than...only errors :S You got any idea? Edit: It seems that the method GetMemberDataPtrByPID in client source don't works. Guildonline list is empty, too...so GUILD_SUBHEADER_GC_LOGIN fails :S And if I debug the GetMemberDataPtrByPID : You can see that it jumps to return False...because that condition works :/...so bad. Please give me a hint :S
  10. Thank you and which client should I use and where can I find it ?
  11. Hello Guy's, I was in Metin Buisness absent since 8 Months and now I want to create a little server for my friends and me. Which Serverfiles + Client + Source should I use? I know how to code C++, C#, Python, Lua so thats no problem. But first I need a clean start and for that clean files (no custom stuff, only Metin 2 DE Stuffe, stats, design). Because I don't want to remove custom trash from dumbass source's Thank you for any replies
  12. Hello, I wonder...is there any method to inspect these Unknown packet header error's to get rid of them. I hate to search my whole code for that shit ._. Sometimes it takes Days to find the error. I know it can be a wrong data type / size whatever, but there must be a method to inspect these. Let's disscuss this a little bit. Thank you
  13. Hello, I got the Problem that I can't make damage anymore ._. ... so I decided to debug the whole attack methods till I found that: if (pkVictim->IsNPC() && pkChr->IsNPC() && !pkChr->IsGuardNPC()) return false; In pvp.cpp at bool CPVPManager::CanAttack(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkVictim) ... there it goes to false... you got any Idea why? (it's windows compiled Files) Thank you edit: solved...some fail code in sectree...
  14. Hello, I think my Question is for Advanced C++ People . So this is my szenario: I added a new col in Player Table, called plan (INT) Added it to all important places in db-, game src to make it accessable for Quests The Metin2 Caching System gets the plan col and the data (no problem) I can use it in Quests and could send it to the Client (no problem) But you know, every 10 Minutes the Cache writes his Data in the mysql table Player back to save it (Async) And this Method is CreatePlayerSaveQuery So because I added a new col to the cache, I need to write it back again I added plan to the Method below and included Debug Mode (vs2013) on db_d.exe (windows serverfiles) I have set my breakpoints on this method and waited for 10 Mins Than I view ,,pkTab->plan" and in the end ,,pszQuery" In Both var's, I found my plan value So I thought everything should be right. But then I Looked at the new input in my player table... plan got the right value but other values are changed too (horse_level as example sometimes got 255, but I haven't got a horse, ip is (null) (But ,,pkTab->ip", in that method, got the right value) and part_main is 65535 I think it has something to do with queryLen but I'm not a C++ Pro (Got my Skillz in php, css, html, js, python, swift) size_t CreatePlayerSaveQuery(char * pszQuery, size_t querySize, TPlayerTable * pkTab) { size_t queryLen; queryLen = snprintf(pszQuery, querySize, "UPDATE player%s SET " "job = %d, " "voice = %d, " "dir = %d, " "x = %d, " "y = %d, " "z = %d, " "map_index = %d, " "exit_x = %ld, " "exit_y = %ld, " "exit_map_index = %ld, " "hp = %d, " "mp = %d, " "stamina = %d, " "random_hp = %d, " "random_sp = %d, " "playtime = %d, " "level = %d, " "level_step = %d, " "st = %d, " "ht = %d, " "dx = %d, " "iq = %d, " "gold = %lld, " "exp = %u, " "stat_point = %d, " "skill_point = %d, " "sub_skill_point = %d, " "stat_reset_count = %d, " "ip = '%s', " "part_main = %d, " "part_hair = %d, " "last_play = NOW(), " "skill_group = %d, " "alignment = %ld, " "horse_level = %d, " "horse_riding = %d, " "horse_hp = %d, " "horse_hp_droptime = %u, " "horse_stamina = %d, " "horse_skill_point = %d, " "plan = %d, " , GetTablePostfix(), pkTab->job, pkTab->voice, pkTab->dir, pkTab->x, pkTab->y, pkTab->z, pkTab->lMapIndex, pkTab->lExitX, pkTab->lExitY, pkTab->lExitMapIndex, pkTab->hp, pkTab->sp, pkTab->stamina, pkTab->sRandomHP, pkTab->sRandomSP, pkTab->playtime, pkTab->level, pkTab->level_step, pkTab->st, pkTab->ht, pkTab->dx, pkTab->iq, (long long)pkTab->gold, pkTab->exp, pkTab->stat_point, pkTab->skill_point, pkTab->sub_skill_point, pkTab->stat_reset_count, pkTab->ip, pkTab->parts[PART_MAIN], pkTab->parts[PART_HAIR], pkTab->skill_group, pkTab->lAlignment, pkTab->horse.bLevel, pkTab->horse.bRiding, pkTab->horse.sHealth, pkTab->horse.dwHorseHealthDropTime, pkTab->horse.sStamina, pkTab->horse_skill_point, pkTab->plan); // Binary ·Î ¹Ù²Ù±â À§ÇÑ Àӽà °ø°£ static char text[8192 + 1]; CDBManager::instance().EscapeString(text, pkTab->skills, sizeof(pkTab->skills)); queryLen += snprintf(pszQuery + queryLen, querySize - queryLen, "skill_level = '%s', ", text); CDBManager::instance().EscapeString(text, pkTab->quickslot, sizeof(pkTab->quickslot)); queryLen += snprintf(pszQuery + queryLen, querySize - queryLen, "quickslot = '%s' ", text); queryLen += snprintf(pszQuery + queryLen, querySize - queryLen, " WHERE id=%d", pkTab->id); return queryLen; } I will love you for posting a Tipp or if you could explain this ,,queryLen" Edit: Heres the query, the db server applies on player: UPDATE player SET job = 6, voice = 0, dir = 0, x = 474928, y = 959144, z = 0, map_index = 1, exit_x = 474928, exit_y = 959144, exit_map_index = 1, hp = 770, mp = 300, stamina = 815, random_hp = 0, random_sp = 0, playtime = 306, level = 1, level_step = 0, st = 5, ht = 3, dx = 3, iq = 5, gold = 0, exp = 0, stat_point = 0, skill_point = 0, sub_skill_point = 0, stat_reset_count = 0, ip = '(null)', part_main = 29550585, part_hair = 0, last_play = NOW(), skill_group = 0, alignment = 0, horse_level = 300, horse_riding = 0, horse_hp = 0, horse_hp_droptime = 0, horse_stamina = 0, horse_skill_point = 0, plan = 3, skill_level = '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', quickslot = '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' WHERE id=7338 Here It sets the right plan value... But ip = '(null)' , part_main = 29550585, horse_level = 300 dafuqqq???
  15. hello, do you know how I can add a new value to the player Cache Serverside? I added a new table col and added it to all known places in db and game src. But everytime I debug the login (tried to send it to client at login) , I get 0. I think the fail is in the method CreateAccountPlayerDataFromRes.. there it counts col++ and the debug trace show me 15 counted cols...But with my added table col it should be 16. Can't finde the error. Maybe its blocked for security. Can you help me?
  16. I got this error: 0103 14:06:26506 :: Traceback (most recent call last): 0103 14:06:26507 :: File "networkModule.py", line 237, in SetGamePhase 0103 14:06:26507 :: File "system.py", line 130, in __pack_import 0103 14:06:26507 :: File "system.py", line 110, in _process_result 0103 14:06:26507 :: File "game.py", line 53, in ? 0103 14:06:26507 :: File "system.py", line 130, in __pack_import 0103 14:06:26507 :: File " 0103 14:06:26507 :: <string> 0103 14:06:26507 :: ", line 0103 14:06:26507 :: 14 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: Shining.Add(vnum, effectpath) 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26507 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: 0103 14:06:26508 :: ^ 0103 14:06:26508 :: SyntaxError 0103 14:06:26508 :: : 0103 14:06:26508 :: invalid syntax 0103 14:06:26508 :: Can you help me? Thank's
  17. I'm searching since hours (got the client but searching in the client)...can you please help me to find it...
  18. Hey ich habe diese Quest Funktion hier die ja jedem bekannt sein sollte: function say_item(name, vnum, desc) say("[INSERT_IMAGE image_type;item|idx;"..vnum.."|title;"..name.."|desc;"..desc.."|index;".. 0 .."|total;".. 1 .."]") end Die zeigt mir dann soetwas z.B.: im Questfenster, nun hätte ich gerne, bei Mouseover, die gleichen Infos wie als wenn ich über ein Item im Inventar gehe. Habs erst versucht Clientside in der Source zu lösen in dem ich das INSERT IMAGE Event manipuliere. Aber habe es nicht hinbekommen alle Daten so dahinzubekommen wie ich es benötige. Dann Dachte ich an Clientside Python Tooltip und hab etwas rumprobiert aber bisher keine Lösung gefunden. Jemand eine Idee? Bei dieser Funktion dort oben weiß ich nur das desc quasi der Text ist der bei Mouseover miterscheint. Vielen Dank English: Hey I got this Quest Function, you know it: function say_item(name, vnum, desc) say("[INSERT_IMAGE image_type;item|idx;"..vnum.."|title;"..name.."|desc;"..desc.."|index;".. 0 .."|total;".. 1 .."]") end The use of these function shows me: ok now I want, on mouseover icon in questwindow, the same Information in a Tooltip like I hover a normal item in Inventory. First I tried it in the Client Source at the INSERT IMAGE Event, but no chance. Than I tried to use the python Tooltip ..till now no results.. Anyone got a solution for this?
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