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  • Birthday 08/10/1989


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  1. The ++it and it++ operations you are talking about do not matter when used as a single line because they are not used with another process. Example: it++; and ++it; If the variable returned in for loop is set it does not matter. Example: for (itertype(m_vec_shopTabs) it = m_vec_shopTabs.begin(); it != m_vec_shopTabs.end(); it++) and for (itertype(m_vec_shopTabs) it = m_vec_shopTabs.begin(); it != m_vec_shopTabs.end(); ++it) The process here is the same: for (itertype(m_vec_shopTabs) it = m_vec_shopTabs.begin(); it != m_vec_shopTabs.end()) { ++it; } and for (itertype(m_vec_shopTabs) it = m_vec_shopTabs.begin(); it != m_vec_shopTabs.end()) { it++; } You're right if it's used in an array operation. Example: row[i++] and row[++i]
  2. Thx Bro I added to topic
  3. Good idea but there's a little mistake; while(dwSkillVnum != 0 || dwSkillVnum < 120); Replace: while(dwSkillVnum > 120); Here 0 control is unnecessary table 0 vnum does not have skill
  4. Hello, Corrections of some syntax error made by Ymir; cmd_general.cpp Find: ACMD(do_shutdown) { if (NULL == ch) { sys_err("Accept shutdown command from %s.", ch->GetName()); } TPacketGGShutdown p; p.bHeader = HEADER_GG_SHUTDOWN; P2P_MANAGER::instance().Send(&p, sizeof(TPacketGGShutdown)); Shutdown(10); } Replace: ACMD(do_shutdown) { if (!ch) return; sys_err("Accept shutdown command from %s.", ch->GetName()); TPacketGGShutdown p; p.bHeader = HEADER_GG_SHUTDOWN; P2P_MANAGER::instance().Send(&p, sizeof(TPacketGGShutdown)); Shutdown(10); } Dungeon.cpp Find: float CDungeon::GetUniqueHpPerc(const std::string& key) { TUniqueMobMap::iterator it = m_map_UniqueMob.find(key); if (it == m_map_UniqueMob.end()) { sys_err("Unknown Key : %s", key.c_str()); return false; } return (100.f*it->second->GetHP())/it->second->GetMaxHP(); } Replace: float CDungeon::GetUniqueHpPerc(const std::string& key) { TUniqueMobMap::iterator it = m_map_UniqueMob.find(key); if (it == m_map_UniqueMob.end()) { sys_err("Unknown Key : %s", key.c_str()); return 0.0f; } return (100.f*it->second->GetHP())/it->second->GetMaxHP(); } ClientManager.cpp Find: if (!dwSkillVnum > 120) Replace: if (dwSkillVnum > 120) Special Thanks @Moț;
  5. Good idea but very missing %s %d arguments etc.
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