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Distraught last won the day on August 10 2022

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  • Birthday 01/23/1998


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  1. Educational purpose: Using a work for educational purposes weighs in favor of fair use.
  2. Hi all, Yesterday, we brainstormed the concept of hosting a real-life M2Dev conference, akin to a game development day, featuring prominent figures from our community delivering TED-style talks on a variety of subjects. As of now, the idea has backing from @ Apranax, @ masodikbela, @ Zerial, @ .plechito', @ Deliris, @ VegaS™ and myself, all of whom are committed to speaking at the event. We're targeting this fall, around October or November, in Budapest for the event. To gauge interest, I'm putting up a poll. If there's sufficient enthusiasm, we'll kick off the planning process.
  3. Download Hello everyone, Some time ago I created this memory leak finder for Land of Heroes, but we don't really use it anymore so I decided to release it. You can use it only on Windows (otherwise you have to modify it a bit), and you will need mhook for it to work. namespace MemoryLeakFinder { typedef void* (__cdecl* _malloc)(_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size); typedef void (__cdecl* _free)(_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block); _malloc True_malloc = (_malloc) ::malloc; _free True_free = (_free) ::free; template <class T> class NoTraceAllocator { public: using value_type = T; NoTraceAllocator() noexcept {} template <class U> NoTraceAllocator(NoTraceAllocator<U> const&) noexcept {} value_type* allocate(std::size_t n) { return static_cast<value_type*>(True_malloc(n * sizeof(value_type))); } void deallocate(value_type* p, std::size_t) noexcept { True_free(p); } }; static bool GetStackWalk(char* outWalk) { ::SymSetOptions(SYMOPT_DEFERRED_LOADS | SYMOPT_INCLUDE_32BIT_MODULES | SYMOPT_UNDNAME); if (!::SymInitialize(::GetCurrentProcess(), "[Hidden Content]", TRUE)) return false; PVOID addrs[25] = { 0 }; USHORT frames = CaptureStackBackTrace(1, 25, addrs, NULL); char* ptr = outWalk; for (USHORT i = 0; i < frames; i++) { ULONG64 buffer[(sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO) + 1024 + sizeof(ULONG64) - 1) / sizeof(ULONG64)] = { 0 }; SYMBOL_INFO* info = (SYMBOL_INFO*)buffer; info->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO); info->MaxNameLen = 1024; DWORD64 displacement = 0; if (::SymFromAddr(::GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)addrs[i], &displacement, info)) { ptr += sprintf_s(outWalk, 1024, "%s\n", info->Name); } } ::SymCleanup(::GetCurrentProcess()); return true; } std::unordered_map<void*, const char* , std::hash<void*> , std::equal_to<void*> , NoTraceAllocator<std::pair<const void*, const char*>>> memoryAllocations; void* My_malloc(_In_ _CRT_GUARDOVERFLOW size_t _Size) { void* ptr = True_malloc(_Size); char* stackTrace = (char*)True_malloc(1024); GetStackWalk(stackTrace); memoryAllocations.emplace(std::make_pair(ptr, stackTrace)); return ptr; } void My_free(_Pre_maybenull_ _Post_invalid_ void* _Block) { auto it = memoryAllocations.find(_Block); if (it != memoryAllocations.end()) { True_free((void*)it->second); memoryAllocations.erase(it); } return True_free(_Block); } void StartMemoryLeakFinder() { Mhook_SetHook((PVOID*)&True_malloc, My_malloc); Mhook_SetHook((PVOID*)&True_free, My_free); } void StopMemoryLeakFinder() { Mhook_Unhook((PVOID*)&True_malloc); Mhook_Unhook((PVOID*)&True_free); std::ofstream ofs("memoryleaks.txt"); for (auto it = memoryAllocations.begin(); it != memoryAllocations.end(); ++it) { ofs << it->second << std::endl; True_free((void*)it->second); } ofs.close(); } } You have to call StartMemoryLeakFinder() and StopMemoryLeakFinder() where you'd like them to start and stop accordingly.
  4. You just need to modify the return value of CArea::GetMaxLoadingDistanceSqr function, that's why I put this into a seperated function so it's easy to implement a slider. For example interpolate between pfStart and pfFarClip. Just add a new option to CPythonSystem and a slider in python which sets its value and you can use the value of the sliderbar as it is (0.0-1.0). float CArea::GetMaxLoadingDistanceSqr() const { int peNum; float pfStart, pfEnd, pfFarClip; CPythonBackground::instance().GetDistanceSetInfo(&peNum, &pfStart, &pfEnd, &pfFarClip); // you need to get your value for exmaple from CPythonSystem or from whenever you want float fRatio = CPythonSystem::instance().GetLoadingDistance(); // use one of the interpolation functions i provided return LinearInterpolation(pfStart * pfStart, pfFarClip * pfFarClip, fRatio); }
  5. Hello guys, I didn't like the basic memory pooling solution in the client so I extended and rewrote some parts of it. now it allocates memory in chunks instead of one by one, the chunk's size can grow Alloc can have any parameters, so you don't need to use only default constructors ctors and dtors are called properly for each object created by the pool and also on unfreed objects on Clear Keep in mind, that it's not a drop-in replacement for every case where the old one was used, you may need to modify your code at some places, so I suggest porting to this new version one by one. Good luck! template<typename T> class CMemoryPoolNew { public: CMemoryPoolNew(size_t uChunkSize = 16, bool bGrowChunkSize = true) : m_uChunkSize(uChunkSize) , m_bGrowChunkSize(bGrowChunkSize) { } ~CMemoryPoolNew() { Clear(); } void Clear() { assert(m_Free.size() == m_Data.size() && "Memory pool has unfreed objects!"); if (m_Free.size() != m_Data.size()) { for (T* pData : m_Data) { if (std::find(m_Free.begin(), m_Free.end(), pData) == m_Free.end()) { pData->~T(); } } } m_Data.clear(); m_Data.shrink_to_fit(); m_Free.clear(); m_Free.shrink_to_fit(); for (T* pChunk : m_Chunk) { ::free(pChunk); } m_Chunk.clear(); m_Chunk.shrink_to_fit(); } template<class... _Types> T* Alloc(_Types&&... _Args) { if (m_Free.empty()) Grow(); T* pNew = m_Free.back(); m_Free.pop_back(); return new(pNew) T(std::forward<_Types>(_Args)...); } void Free(T* pData) { pData->~T(); m_Free.push_back(pData); } size_t GetCapacity() const { return m_Data.size(); } private: void Grow() { size_t uChunkSize = m_uChunkSize; if (m_bGrowChunkSize) uChunkSize += uChunkSize * m_Chunk.size(); T* pStart = (T*) ::malloc(uChunkSize * sizeof(T)); m_Chunk.push_back(pStart); m_Data.reserve(m_Data.size() + uChunkSize); m_Free.reserve(m_Free.size() + uChunkSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < uChunkSize; ++i) { m_Data.push_back(pStart + i); m_Free.push_back(pStart + i); } } private: size_t m_uChunkSize; bool m_bGrowChunkSize; std::vector<T*> m_Data; std::vector<T*> m_Free; std::vector<T*> m_Chunk; };
  6. Thank you guys Yes, that's not included, it will use the clipping distance by default. You can play with the distance in CArea::GetMaxLoadingDistanceSqr.
  7. Hello everyone, I was optimizing the loading of maps for my server and I decided to share it with the public. With this modifications, only the objects and effects around the character will be loaded and it will handle their load and unload as you move around. Also effect updatings are optimized a way that closer effects are updated more frequently. Okay, so let's start the work [Hidden Content] Good luck!
  8. Hello guys, As we know, if you have a lot of images in an ani-image, it can be really slow to load and may makes the game freeze for a moment. It really limits us, because we can't use a longer image sequence as it would have a bad impact on user experience. I created a sequence of 126 images by concatenating some of our tutorials, so here's a comparison GIF that shows the old (left) and new (right) version. The main problem is that it loads all the images in a loop when we initialize it. And they are loaded when we call AppendImage function. We can delay and separate the loading of images in the update cycle to different frames, so the game won't freeze because just one image per frame will be loaded instead of them all at once. How to do this? Step by step tutorial. [Hidden Content] That's all, we're finished! Good luck!
  9. I got the idea from @ TokiSan's topic but I wanted to create a generic way to achieve this without using images so you can have any angle of FOV. With a little math, it's achieveable. How to implement: [Hidden Content]
  10. I think some of you faced this bug when you had a monster with more then 21 million HP: the gauge showed 0% even when it was on full HP. It's because when the server calculates the HP percentage is like MINMAX(0, (m_pkChrTarget->GetHP() * 100) / m_pkChrTarget->GetMaxHP(), 100), so 21 million will overflow when it's multiplied by 100. The fix is really quick and easy: [Hidden Content]
  11. Land of Heroes is looking for a Polish translator. You'll have access to our localizations on our SVN server. They are in Excel files, so it's going to be really straight-forward how to translate them. You can translate from English, Hungarian, Romanian or Turkish either. Payment method: Normal bank transfer, we do not use and don't intend to use PayPal. If you're interested, hite me up here or on Discord ( Erik Schvarcz#8481 )
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