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  1. Got this problem 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetInventoryType' if app.WJ_ENABLE_TRADABLE_ICON: def CantTradableItem(self, destSlotIndex, srcSlotIndex): if app.ENABLE_SPECIAL_INVENTORY: invenType = player.GetSpecialInventoryTypeByGlobalSlot(srcSlotIndex) if invenType == player.INVENTORY_TYPE_INVENTORY: itemInvenPage = srcSlotIndex / player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE localSlotPos = srcSlotIndex - (itemInvenPage * player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE) else: (specialSlotStart, specialSlotEnd) = player.GetSpecialInventoryRange(invenType) specialInventorySlot = srcSlotIndex - specialSlotStart itemInvenPage = specialInventorySlot / player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE localSlotPos = specialInventorySlot - (itemInvenPage * player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE) self.lockedItems[destSlotIndex] = (invenType, itemInvenPage, localSlotPos) if self.wndInventory.GetInventoryType() == invenType and self.wndInventory.GetInventoryPageIndex() == itemInvenPage and self.IsShow(): self.wndInventory.wndItem.SetCantMouseEventSlot(localSlotPos) else: itemInvenPage = srcSlotIndex / player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE localSlotPos = srcSlotIndex - (itemInvenPage * player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE) self.lockedItems[destSlotIndex] = (itemInvenPage, localSlotPos) if self.wndInventory.GetInventoryPageIndex() == itemInvenPage: self.wndInventory.wndItem.SetCantMouseEventSlot(localSlotPos) anyone a solution for that (using great offshop)
  2. Hello all, i got some Problems with Compile my Source. I Installed a FreeBSD 10.3 32bit on my Virtual Box and i installed all Packages to Compile my Source. But all time when i try to Compile i get this Error g++49: error: directory": No such or File or directory gmake: *** :[Makefile:127: OBJDIR/version.o] Error 1 My Makefile I know that the Error tells me That he Cant find g++49/gcc49 but it is installed. I can Compile libthecore etc with g++49 butnot the game i dont know why I hope for Help sry for bad English
  3. Searching for one Person that was explain me how to disable Max Yang in Source. INcludes all (shop, trade, drop etc) How much would it cost Make your Offers Guys ty
  4. When i try to connect with Filezilla or WinSCp it tells me all time wrong PW Edit: Solved
  5. The Next Level Step is 120 i heard o.O And i think the 6th Character will come next year
  6. Hello, people! Does somebody have an idea why in mine locale_sting.txt ? come instead of ä, ö or ü? If I convert them to UTF-8 the game doenst load the file.
  7. For me Not i do BYTE CPythonNonPlayer::GetMobLevel(DWORD dwVnum) { map<DWORD, BYTE>::iterator it; it = LevelByVnum.find(dwVnum); if (it != LevelByVnum.end()) { return it->second; } return 0; } under bool CPythonNonPlayer::LoadNonPlayerData(const char * c_szFileName) an insert after bool CPythonNonPlayer::LoadNonPlayerData(const char * c_szFileName) this line LevelByVnum[pNonPlayerData->dwVnum] = pNonPlayerData->bLevel; I replace m_dwLevel = c_rkCreateData.m_dwLevel; with this BYTE level_mob = CPythonNonPlayer::Instance().GetMobLevel(c_rkCreateData.m_dwRace); m_dwLevel = ((c_rkCreateData.m_dwRace > 8 && c_rkCreateData.m_bType == CActorInstance::TYPE_ENEMY) ? level_mob : c_rkCreateData.m_dwLevel); and i icnlude PythonPlayer.h at least i add DWORD GetMobLevel; std::map<DWORD, BYTE> LevelByVnum; under BYTE bType; // Monster, NPC BYTE bRank; // PAWN, KNIGHT, KING BYTE bBattleType; // MELEE, etc.. BYTE bLevel; // Level BYTE bSize; but i cant compile
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