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  1. i think it is offline, how could i connect it?
  2. I also have a problem, when I teleport to a map on ch99 it disconnects me and I can't get into that character anymore. I would like to mention that nothing appears in the syserr client and server.
  3. Hello, if anyone knows what adjustment I might make if the name is too long and it comes out of that box to set a limit to where I want the name to appear and at the end of the name to appear ... and when you click on the name to get your name appears whole. I leave a picture below to find out what I'm saying.
  4. Does anyone have this system from the source?
  5. def __ArrangeButtonPosition(self): showingButtonCount = len(self.showingButtonList) pos = -(showingButtonCount / 2) * 68 if 0 == showingButtonCount % 2: pos += 34 for button in self.showingButtonList: button.SetPosition(pos, 33) pos += 68 if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP: if showingButtonCount <= 2: self.SetSize(max(150 + 125, showingButtonCount * 75), 65) else: self.SetSize(max(150, showingButtonCount * 75), 65) else: self.SetSize(max(150, showingButtonCount * 75), 65) self.UpdatePosition() if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP: def SetHP(self, hpPercentage, iMinHP, iMaxHP): if not self.hpGauge.IsShow(): if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP: showingButtonCount = len(self.showingButtonList) if showingButtonCount > 0: if chr.GetInstanceType(self.vid) == chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_PLAYER: self.SetSize(max(150 + 75 * 3, showingButtonCount * 75), self.GetHeight()) else: self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) else: self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) else: self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): self.name.SetPosition( self.GetWidth()-23, 13) else: self.name.SetPosition(23, 13) self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() self.name.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() self.hpGauge.Show() self.UpdatePosition() self.hpGauge.SetPercentage(hpPercentage, 100) if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP: iMinHPText = '.'.join([i - 3 < 0 and str(iMinHP)[:i] or str(iMinHP)[i-3:i] for i in range(len(str(iMinHP)) % 3, len(str(iMinHP))+1, 3) if i]) iMaxHPText = '.'.join([i - 3 < 0 and str(iMaxHP)[:i] or str(iMaxHP)[i-3:i] for i in range(len(str(iMaxHP)) % 3, len(str(iMaxHP))+1, 3) if i]) self.hpDecimal.SetText(str(iMinHPText) + "/" + str(iMaxHPText)) (textWidth, textHeight)=self.hpDecimal.GetTextSize() if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): self.hpDecimal.SetPosition(120 / 2 + textWidth / 2, -13) else: self.hpDecimal.SetPosition(130 / 2 - textWidth / 2, -13) self.hpDecimal.Show() else: def SetHP(self, hpPercentage): if not self.hpGauge.IsShow(): if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_PLAYER_HP: showingButtonCount = len(self.showingButtonList) if showingButtonCount > 0: if chr.GetInstanceType(self.GetTargetVID) != chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_PLAYER: if showingButtonCount != 1: self.SetSize(max(150, showingButtonCount * 75), self.GetHeight()) else: self.SetSize(max(150, 2 * 75), self.GetHeight()) else: self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) else: self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) else: self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight()) if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): self.name.SetPosition( self.GetWidth()-23, 13) else: self.name.SetPosition(23, 13) self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft() self.name.SetHorizontalAlignLeft() self.hpGauge.Show() self.UpdatePosition() if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP: hpDecimal = ui.TextLine() hpDecimal.SetParent(hpGauge) hpDecimal.SetDefaultFontName() hpDecimal.SetPosition(5, 5) hpDecimal.SetOutline() hpDecimal.Hide() if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP: self.hpDecimal = hpDecimal if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP: self.hpDecimal = None if app.ENABLE_VIEW_TARGET_DECIMAL_HP: self.hpDecimal.Hide() I think the problem it's from uitarget.
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