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Galet last won the day on August 16 2018

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  1. Galet

    Aeldra - Closed?

    Why do we still have this kid here? He also uses the ressources for his outdated 2010 port of the game that he sells for 120k (or 10k because of the accurate 50% discount)
  2. "Why do you help the community moving on". No matter what system one server can have, a shitty server stays a shitty server due to many other reasons
  3. Compilling will take ages on it, I mean, it will be kinda long. But you can use it to host your local server if you want
  4. Hello, Do you mean something like that? But instead of % you want seconds? [Hidden Content]
  5. Wonderful, you are a madman
  6. That's really cool the way you did, thanks! However, there is also the good old "time.strftime('[%X]')" that does the same as the thing he asked for
  7. Hello, You need to use sources... It's a "SetSyncOwner" default
  8. That's already in the sources, you need to define it if it is not working right off the bat, then put the video in your client and name it "logo1.avi"
  9. How dares he share a complete update of a skill with a wrong path to an image in the effect?! I would ten times keep the old skill without effect error
  10. I advise you to follow the tutorial and place the effect here : d:/ymir work/effect/etc/boss_effect/boss.mse Your path (d:/locale/es/effect/boss.mse) is incorrect, thus the effect won't load.
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