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  1. I tried with this quest quest vip begin state start begin when 40003.use begin if pc.count_item(40003)>=1 then say_title("Inel [VIP]") say("Vrei sa ai VIP in fata numelui") local a = select("Da!", "Nu") if a == 1 then local name = pc.get_name() local find_id = mysql_query("SELECT account_id from player.player WHERE name='"..name.."' LIMIT 1;") local id = find_id[1][1]+1-1 mysql_query("UPDATE player.player SET name='[VIP]"..name.."' WHERE account_id='"..id.."' LIMIT 1;") pc.remove_item(40003) syschat("Votre demande à été envoyé au serveur. Votre") syschat("changera dès que le serveur aura retourné l'information!") else return end else say_title("Inel [VIP]") say("Aveti Nevoie de") say("Inelul VIP pentru a activa numele:") say_item_vnum(40003) say("Intoarcete cand ai.") return end end end end But doesn't work when i use ingame item i have this problem : mysql: ambiguous option '--e=SELECT account_id from player.player WHERE name='Kaden' LIMIT 1;' (enable_cleartext_plugin, execute) si acest warning Mysql warning "password on the command line . Mentioning i use server with source 40k. Sorry for my bad english.
  2. I have a problem with a quest when i use "["this symbol in pc.change_name function doesn't work like doesnt read and when i use "(" return : elseif (ret == 2) then say("Invalid name, please only use letters and numbers.[ENTER]") What i need to to to make this quest put tag [VIP] in front of my name. Here is line: local new_name = "[VIP]"..pc.get_name(); When i change "[VIP]" With simple "VIP" work but i want "[" this symbol and doesn't work. quest vip begin state start begin when 40003.use begin local item_vnum = item.get_vnum(); say_title(string.format("%s:[ENTER]", item_name(item_vnum))) if (string.find(pc.get_name(), "[VIP]") ~= nil) then return say("You already have a VIP name.[ENTER]"); end -- if local new_name = "[VIP]"..pc.get_name(); say("By continuing, you will be able to change") say("your character's name into a VIP name.[ENTER]") say_reward(string.format("Your new name will be: %s.[ENTER]", new_name)) say("Are you sure you want to continue?[ENTER]") if (select("Yes, I'm sure", "No, I'm not") == 1) then say_title(string.format("%s:[ENTER]", item_name(item_vnum))) local ret = pc.change_name(new_name); if (ret == 0) then say("An error occurred. (ret == 0).[ENTER]") elseif (ret == 1) then say("An error occurred. (ret == 1).[ENTER]") elseif (ret == 2) then say("Invalid name, please only use letters and numbers.[ENTER]") elseif (ret == 3) then say("That name is already being used") say("by another player.[ENTER]") elseif (ret == 4) then pc.remove_item(item_vnum, 1); say("The name has been successfully changed,") say("re-log to see the changes.[ENTER]") else say("The change_name function is blocked for") say("this locale.[ENTER]") end -- if/elseif/else end -- if end -- when end -- state end -- quest
  3. Ah and when i use item in this part of quest : say_reward(string.format("Your new name will be: %s.[ENTER]", new_name)) Appear just my name like bloody not [VIP]Bloody : local new_name = "[VIP]"..pc.get_name(); Probably here is problem becouse this quest try to change my name in my actual name and ret == 2
  4. same with this elseif (ret == 2) then say("Invalid name, please only use letters and numbers.[ENTER]")
  5. I deleted that thinks in know i don't receive that error now i recieve this say("Invalid name.[ENTER]") every time with every name....
  6. Thank you for help but i have this problem when i use item ingame: say("The change_name function is blocked for") say("this locale.[ENTER]") What i need to do?
  7. Hello i have a problem with a quest for change name i tried all possible for change at that quest but doesn't change anithing i tried to change that function pc.change_name("VIP") like this just to see if work but doesn't. Aici sunt questurile quest vipchange begin state start begin when 40003.use begin say_title("[VIP] Nume") say("") say("Doresti sa ai [VIP]") say("in fata numelui?") local change = select("Da", "Nu") if change == 2 then return elseif change == 1 then local name = pc.get_name() pc.change_name("[VIP]""..name..") say_title("[VIP] Nume") say("") say("Te rog delogheazate pentru 10 minute.") say("Daca te loghezi mai repede") say("numele tau nu se va schimba..") end end end end Quest can be compiled in putty with ./qc but doesn't work... And after i tried this quest quest vip begin state start begin when 40003.use begin if pc.count_item(40003)>=1 then say_title("Inel [VIP]") say("Vrei sa ai VIP in fata numelui") local a = select("Da!", "Nu") if a == 1 then local name = pc.get_name() local find_id = mysql_query("SELECT account_id from player.player WHERE name='"..name.."' LIMIT 1;") local id = find_id[1][1]+1-1 mysql_query("UPDATE player.player SET name='[VIP]"..name.."' WHERE account_id='"..id.."' LIMIT 1;") pc.remove_item(40003) syschat("Votre demande à été envoyé au serveur. Votre") syschat("changera dès que le serveur aura retourné l'information!") else return end else say_title("Inel [VIP]") say("Aveti Nevoie de") say("Inelul VIP pentru a activa numele:") say_item_vnum(40003) say("Intoarcete cand ai.") return end end end end And i have this problem mysql: ambiguous option '--e=SELECT account_id from player.player WHERE name='Kaden' LIMIT 1;' (enable_cleartext_plugin, execute) si acest warning Mysql warning "password on the command line . Mentioning i use server with source 40k. Sorry for my bad english. thank you in advance .
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