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Everything posted by Mali

  1. Mali

    Fix CBar3D

    This will fix the use of if (window->IsType(UI::CBar3D::Type())) Example SetColor of Bar3D is not working because of this bug This bug is still available on official [Hidden Content]
  2. NEW PRODUCT Official Fishing Jigsaw Event [REVERSED]: https://en-wiki.metin2.gameforge.com/index.php/Fishing_Jigsaw
  3. You can do all that resize/width things easily by using this topic:
  4. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] The area(O, X) where those who answer correctly will shine
  5. Mali

    Works of Mali

    Hold To Click:
  7. Okay but this is a completely different feature. If you already have it, just share it. Why are you writing to me? Nice idea btw
  8. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20130225110447/http://ymirgames.com/game/metin2.htm Currently only Gameforge and Ongame are active. More:
  9. 1) Scroll allows you to read the book without any time limit, and a new time is determined after reading it. It is not a problem. 2) I already shared in the upper post.
  10. If you guys have this system Add this in __AppendSkillNextReadTime if player.CheckAffect(chr.NEW_AFFECT_SKILL_BOOK_NO_DELAY, 0): return what is "stackable to up - wtf?"
  11. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] Item icons will appear in the hyperlink tooltip OLD: NOW:
  12. NEW PRODUCT Official Belt Inventory Renewal [REVERSED] COMING SOON Official Multi Language [REVERSED] Premium Version Official Multi Language [REVERSED] Ultimate Version These versions will be exclusive to those who own MartySama ASF for a while: https://martysama0134.com/Source_addons/Mali_MultiLanguage
  13. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] The items on the ground that are close enough to be collected appear in different color.
  14. also use initialItems in PlayerCreateSuccess if you want items.
  15. Mali

    Works of Mali

    Official __BL_LEVELUP_DATA_BEFORE_LOCATION_HELPER__: Spawn points in level up missions are now controlled by the client. Hunting Ground has been added, only maps suitable for your kingdom are listed.
  16. Update Emperor Election Archived version of the pages in English
  17. Includes systems that are in BR/Ongame but not in GF Ongame is a Metin2 publisher like Gameforge Archived version of the pages in English: https://mega.nz/file/TkdTFLZY#m1Z9cU_NwCt9knV63Tn4tkANY7UT8Q3oMmz0C8Re8Yg pw: black If you find a video about the systems, please share it 1) Challange Event: https://m2.ongame.net/eventos/o-desafio/ 2) Dragon's Gate: https://m2.ongame.net/atualizacoes/portao-do-dragao/ 3) Atlas Expansion: https://m2.ongame.net/atualizacoes/atlas/ 4) Emperor Election: https://m2.ongame.net/imperador/como-funciona/ The Emperor can also use the /mn command to send Emperor messages in the game's chat
  18. This topic includes content removed from game packs in Metin2 [GF] You won't have these even if you download the latest version full pack You can download old packs to get them There may be things I missed 1) Find The Same Monster Event (TRI-MONSTER MEMO): https://board.en.metin2.gameforge.com/index.php?thread/94049-find-the-same-monster/ Why is it removed?: You can easily cheat 2) Soul Event: https://en-wiki.metin2.gameforge.com/index.php/Soul_Event Why is it removed?: https://board.en.metin2.gameforge.com/index.php?thread/101386-soul-event-removal/ 3) Ritual of Blood Event's Skybox: Why is it removed?: I don't know they just said: Also eastplain.msenv and metin2_guild_pvp.msenv removed:
  19. Fixed, wait @ AZICKO for update.
  20. NEW PRODUCT Official Multi Language [REVERSED]:
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