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  1. I am struggling with this problem and I have no idea how to deal with him. The problem is that does not include me metin stones. From one to five stones is loot items. And as you can see each stone is assigned loot. I do not know what I have to do the same on different instances quest (kill with npc.get_race () == id) does not include stones in the quest. I do not know what's going on and I have no idea, could someone can accuse an idea? There is nothing that I have not tried every way but nothing helps. Maybe just met someone with a similar problem. Or know how to deal with it - I will be extremely grateful! I throw a video to show the problem ... [Hidden Content] edit: I'm add code in void CHARACTER:: Dead if (pkKiller && pkKiller->IsPC()){ char buf[51]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %ld", g_bChannel, pkKiller->GetMapIndex()); if (IsStone()) if (test_server) { pkKiller->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "killing metin "); } after killing the stone shows the information in chat, or stone is classified by the server and sees him after killing
  2. And how to reverse it and give only pvp on map? The inverse of this, here is blocked pvp. And how to do that was just unlocked PVP and can not be changed pk?
  3. Hello, I would like to buy costumes weapons system . Not looking for any system that was on the other forums. The system has been fully operational without any problems PM Forum
  4. You must use Stud_PE :-) That works, but source don't work, error in build
  5. Quest script I noticed that the mission is just weird "broken" in breaking up stones. Since it is set to 4 metiny and in fact it is a random number, time after killing 10 stones goes on, and the second time after killing 4 stones.It is hard to explain. But it mainly is that the mission does not go away as it is written. As if not accounted for each dead stone when login with lv_100_ow.inlv_100_ow() and pc.getqf("dungstart") == 1 begin d.notice("|cFFff6600[Opuszczona Wioska]|h|cFFFFFFFF|h Witaj w Opuszczonej Wiosce. ") d.notice("|cFFff6600[Opuszczona Wioska]|h|cFFFFFFFF|h Aby dostać się do przywódcy zniszcz odpowiedni kamień metin ! ") d.notice("|cFFff6600[Opuszczona Wioska]|h|cFFFFFFFF|h Na wyzwanie masz 30min. ") d.setf("lv_100_ow1", 0) d.setf("lv_100_ow2", 0) d.setf("lv_100_ow3", 0) d.setf("lv_100_ow4", 0) d.regen_file("data/kamil/100/1.txt") pc.setqf("dungstart", 0) d.setf("level", 1) timer('zabezpiecz_czas1', 5*60) end when 8047.kill with lv_100_ow.inlv_100_ow() and d.getf("level") == 1 begin d.setf("lv_100_ow1", d.getf("lv_100_ow1")+1) if d.getf("lv_100_ow1") >= 2 then d.kill_all() d.setf("level", 2) d.notice("|cFFff6600[Opuszczona Wioska]|h|cFFFFFFFF|h Brawo zniszczyłeś odpowedni kamień Metin ") timer("timer_lv_100_ow1", 5) end end I do not know why it does not work as it is declared - if d.getf("lv_100_ow1") >= 2 then ...
  6. Hello everyone :-) I have one big problem. As you can see not include me every monster for the mission. I do not know why but it is the same with other things - mostly monsters stones. The mission is the need to kill 220 monsters, but with such a problem I'm not able to do that. It is hard for me to describe the problem. But the main assumption is that I include only 1 monster at 100. Translation chat: "Already killed: 4 of 220 monsters" I use the source. Thanks guys i need help.
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