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Everything posted by JarajTo

  1. You can install freebsd on ovh vps by following this tutorial [Hidden Content]
  2. Seriously? This is the easiest thing to do sir... I do it rly asap so if you want better quality just edit it by yourself Just paste the attachment directly in etc/ui/minimap.dds and /etc/ui/minimap/whitemark.sub [Hidden Content]
  3. Well.. Image --> etc/ui/minimap/whitemark.sub Color --> root/colorinfo.py = CHR_NAME_RGB_NPC
  4. Hmm you have autism? This is example which let ppl fishing only on map with index 7, just extend it to 1, 21, 41?
  5. char.cpp in void CHARACTER::fishing if (GetMapIndex() != 7) { ChatInfo(("xyz")); -- change to your chat. return; }
  6. JarajTo

    Gameforge sucks

    Old but gold, funny fake ?
  7. I believe that more than 3500 dungeon instances of same type are possible. Nice one
  8. I think it`s normal attack, on video posted above ninja has 4lvl. Some servers disable the speedhack function because of random kick with bad code. I use similar code, Some servers just allow absurd high attack speed values because they think it's cool or something.. that`s what i mean
  9. So check your skill_proto in db->player and delete 6th skills. 6th skills id: 21, 36, 6, 51 It'll work. If you want to use 6th, add them to skill_table in client.
  10. The following error occurs on all sb? When not, open database > player > skill_proto and delete 6th skills. SB description is in item_desc and the skill name is taken from socket0
  11. But which data? Everything? When not, check db core logs.
  12. Nice idea, like in league of legends. I like it, thanks.
  13. Send me pm with files: pythonitemmodule, gametype and inventorywindow.py from locale
  14. Yes, you can. Just change the slot in binary, UserInterface/gametype.h / pythonitemmodule.cpp Don`t forget to edit inventorywindow from your`s locale. protip: Do it like shield
  15. ^^ ??? You can use orginal function like IsGameMaster or GetGMLevel Be careful, don`t give this permission to all teammates. Just use != GM_IMPLEMENTOR This will work if (IS_SET(item->GetAntiFlag(), ITEM_ANTIFLAG_GIVE) && m_pOwner->GetGMLevel() == GM_PLAYER) { m_pOwner->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("???? ??? ? ????.")); return false; }
  16. Ok i understand, but you checked without this if? if (!__CanActMainInstance()) return true; Could you pick up item from ground when you die? If u want do this what u write above, 1st we need make item "pickable" when u die -- rest is simple.
  17. I'm not sure, and I don`t have time to check, but maybe it bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendItemPickUpPacket(DWORD vid) in userinterface PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGameItem.cpp: if (!__CanActMainInstance()) return true; Check and let me know
  18. Maybe char_item.cpp bool CHARACTER::PickupItem(DWORD dwVID) if (IsPC() && IsDead()) { return false; }
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