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Everything posted by ManiacRobert

  1. Replace everything from source #include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> to #include <unordered_map> and boost::unordered_map to std::unordered_map Be boost free, replace all boost with std, you have in vaniila source everything you need.
  2. Idk Rick, looks kinda steal from evion source, where is the credit?
  3. JewelAccessoryPermaInfo = [ # PermaJewel wrist neck ear [ 50640, 14020, 16020, 17020 ], [ 50641, 14040, 16040, 17040 ], [ 50642, 14060, 16060, 17060 ], [ 50643, 14080, 16080, 17080 ], [ 50644, 14100, 16100, 17100 ], [ 50645, 14120, 16120, 17120 ], [ 50646, 14140, 16140, 17140 ], [ 50647, 14160, 16160, 17160 ], [ 50648, 14180, 16180, 17180 ], [ 50649, 14200, 16200, 17200 ], [ 50650, 14220, 16220, 17220 ], [ 50651, 14500, 16500, 17500 ], [ 50652, 14520, 16520, 17520 ], [ 50653, 14540, 16540, 17540 ], [ 50654, 14560, 16560, 17560 ], [ 50655, 14570, 16570, 17230 ], ] def GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_PERMANENT(vnum, subType): ret = vnum item_base = (vnum / 10) * 10 for info in JewelAccessoryPermaInfo: if item.ARMOR_WRIST == subType: if info[1] == item_base: return info[0] elif item.ARMOR_NECK == subType: if info[2] == item_base: return info[0] elif item.ARMOR_EAR == subType: if info[3] == item_base: return info[0]
  4. I was trying to be nice wtf, i don't understand why you take that so personally and arrogantly, you could explain nicely, not with "typical metin2 developers",
  5. A "2020 style" if someone need auto ignore = std::array<DWORD, 6>{SKILL_HOSIN, SKILL_REFLECT, SKILL_GICHEON, SKILL_JEONGEOP, SKILL_KWAESOK, SKILL_JEUNGRYEOK}; if (std::find(std::begin(ignore), std::end(ignore), dwType) != std::end(ignore)) { auto pkAffect = FindAffect(dwType); if (pkAffect) { if (lApplyValue < pkAffect->lApplyValue) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<AddAffect> has blocked receiving skill (%s) because power is (%ld%%) more small than current one (%ld%%).", CSkillManager::instance().Get(dwType)->szName, lApplyValue, pkAffect->lApplyValue); return false; } } }
  6. If you have great offlineshop, you should fix the memory leaks.
  7. Is possible to reload interface with a single button. import sys def ReloadModule(moduleName): if moduleName in sys.modules: del sys.modules[moduleName] del globals()[moduleName] retModule = __import__(moduleName) globals()[moduleName] = retModule def ReloadInterface(self): if self.wndGemWindow: self.wndGemWindow.Hide() del self.wndGemWindow ReloadModule("uiGemShop") self.wndGemWindow = uiGemShop.GemShopSystem() self.wndGemWindow.Open()
  8. Your "future" timers it's not cleared when you start the dungeon and it's using the "exit" one after x seconds.
  9. Post here costumes enums from item_lenght lenght and protoreader.cpp
  10. I got this problem when i upgrade source from 2.9 to 2.11 and i didn't add the new .dll from granny 2.11
  11. Or better, you can add a check if item is locked.
  12. Start debuging the function from receiving charcter and see if you get the packet and check server too.
  13. Or better, don't use this shitty thing.
  14. FreeBSD 11 doesn't have gcc49, you should upgrade to gcc6 or 7 or 8.
  15. if (pch && pch->IsPC()) ch->GetParty()->SummonToLeader(pch->GetPlayerID());
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